There are many aims and Objectives has been determined by the National Human Rights Security Organization India.
- To promote and protect the constitutional fundamental rights of common people.
- To get public help in solving social problems. To promote respect for all without discrimination. To promote social culture and character. To promote a peaceful environment for all. To encourage the citizens of India to abide by their rights and duties.
- To help remove social evils especially from the weaker sections of the society.
- To help and assist by this society directly or through the fund of prime Minister and / or Chief Ministers to the victim of flood, Famine, fire, earthquake, cyclone, tsunami, accident or any other natural and man-made calamities.
- To establish, manage, control and run the medical hospital, clinics, dispensaries, mobile dispensaries / hospital, medical check-up center’s, and to provide medical treatment to the common people, Needy patients and poor families.
- To run free or low cost educational institutions for the poor people. To run projects to promote nutrition, sanitation, and health and community development in underdeveloped areas.
- To run Old Age Homes, Orphanages, Widows Homes, Luna tic Asylums, Maternity Homes, Children Welfare Centers.
- To distribute awards, prize, scholarship, evaluation certificates / testimonials, to the brilliant, brave and eligible, students/persons.
- To publish books, charts, illustration, periodicals, website and publications to promote the HRCP society.
- To provide help to physically and mentally handicapped people.
- To run medical laboratories, test and research centers for the poor people and needy patients.
- To run community help centers like community halls, marriage halls, Dharam-Shallas, Piaos, Sulabh Shauchalyas, Aaganwaris, Balwaris, Drama troupes, Music Groups, Folk Dance Groups and such Social and Cultural Activities.
- To work against such social evils like Child the Marriage, Dowry system, Child Labour, Bonded Labour etc. and wastage of money.
- To make adequate arrangements and start, run the rehabilitation centers for destitute, widows, old man, poor, beggars, handicapped and for mentally retarded persons for their social and civil upliftment.
- To work to eradicate social evils like Drug abuse, Alcohol, Cigarette, Bidi consumption.
- To organize awareness camps against such evils by all means possible.
- To prepare the awareness generation kits, posters, banners, audio-video, cassettes, documentary films etc. regarding various social issues and to fulfill the aims and objectives of the society.
- To approach the concerned authorities regarding the solute ion of the people’s problems in different societies.
- To arrange, organize and establish plant nursery, firm, for plantation especially for Ayurvedic Plants, Flowers, Fruits, to start green revolution to balance the environment and controlling pollution.
- To maintain Indian Art, Cultural Activities, Educational Programmes, providing training for music, dance, art school for the interested common people including Quiz contest etc.
- To organize and arrange for Blood donation camp, Eye donation and Eye operation camp mobile, Hospitals in vehicles and to provide ambulance facilities for the poor and needy patients.
- To promote awareness of family planning to control the over population in our societies as per Govt. Policies.
- To educate the public against water, soil and air pollution and to promote Water Harvesting and Conservation.
- To raise the nursery and plantation lands seeking permission from Govt. concerned authorities and/or from public.
- To maintain neatness and cleanness in different residential areas, Slum areas, in Jhuggi and in slums and to promote awareness of healthy environment for the welfare of the common people.
- To recognise democratic institutions as a fundamental human right.
- To work towards the sovereignty and self determination of entities with historical, cultural and ecological identity.
- To restrict cooperation with governing regimes that violate human right.
- To actively engage with the Government of India and other countries to promote human rights education.
- To bring diplomatic and commercial pressures on regimes that violate human rights, to ensure that they respect the basic rights of their citizens.
- To keep the interests of disempowered communities foremost in all dealings with countries in which human rights violations occur.
- To support the end of colonization and press for resolution of colonial conflicts through the UN framework.
- To develop a more distinctive and effective role for the International Court of Justice in the field of human rights.
- To support through the UN framework, democratic and economic reforms in countries coming out of totalitarian control.
- To promote a culture for educating the citizenry that cultivation and promotion of human rights culture is the sine qua non for the smooth functioning of the organs of a democratic State and for the kind of development that results into overall development of the society.
- To train the young men and women for facing the challenges of the pluralistic society and the rising conflicts and tensions in the name of particularistic loyalties to caste, religion, region and culture.
- To study the effects of draconian laws and unlawful use of State's machinery and force by the enforcement agencies.
- To prepare case studies on the rising custodial deaths, killings in encounters and related issues for ensuring that human rights education must address the need of evolving new structures of knowledge and accountability to impart new skills and sensitivities amongst holders of State power so as to make them more responsive to the culture of human rights and values of democracy.
- To necessitate human rights education to evolve strategies and schemes for tackling such attitudes like employing bonded labour, practising untouchability, perpetrating sati and help members internalise more humane and egalitarian approach in their social relations.
- To help stop legal social and economic discrimination against women and their exploitation in different ways.
- To promote human rights education as a catalyst in bringing out attitudinal and social change among the management of fire works, glass, stone crushing and related industries for reducing the prevalence of child labour in these and other hazardous industries to zero.
- To create an environment as well as an understanding that human rights can easily become vulnerable to abuse of various structures and processes of power.
- To ensure comprehensiveness and incorporation of national, regional and international perspectives related to human rights.
- To study the philosophical and cultural basis and historical perspectives on human rights.
- To examine the inter-dependence of and linkages between human rights and democracy, pluralism, development, ecological balance, peace and harmony at the national and international levels.